2Warhol’s Busy Term One

2Warhol’s year has started with a bang.  We’ve been busy making our classroom a friendly colourful learning environment that has the personal touch of every student.

To start the year 2Warhol brainstormed the kind of rules they thought were important for everyone in the class to follow. We also had fun acting out what following the rules might look like.


We’ve also been learning about our namesake Andy Warhol, and recreating some of his famous artworks and styles.

We investigated Andy Warhol through the internet, looking at and learning about the genre ‘Pop Art’ and how it differs from fine arts. The students introduced using new words like ‘repetition’, ‘popular’ and ‘contrast’ to describe Warhol art and his manipulation of portraits and advertising.

Below are some of the excellent Warhol inspired artworks we have created during the term including still life sketching and portraiture.


During interest groups at the start of the term, our class started learning about Tie Dying and we all loved doing it so much we are continuing to create some amazing Tie Dye throughout the year (weather prevailing).

It is a messy process but the rewards are worth the stained hands (temporarily of course!). As the year progresses we’ll all be learning some new techniques that are fun and easy to do. Be warned parents and any old clothes lying around, this means you’ll probably be taught how to do it at home too!


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