13 thoughts on “Leadership Reflections…or ARE they?

  1. Very nice dancing teachers I am laughing very hard will miss all the dance moves next year.

    Good bye
    Wish you all the best in the future
    Good luck

  2. It was so wired I could feel something behind me that is why I kept laughing in the video I was really scared πŸ˜„

  3. Good luck next year y6 hope you all the best in the future and be who you are and stay strong and fallow what your hart choose and stay positive and hi chrissyπŸ˜’πŸ˜”πŸ˜‡

  4. Hey guys I am so upset and I will never forget you guys you will always be in my heart and i miss playing soccer with the yr 6 and 5 boys I will miss you all the best in ur 7 guys

  5. I will miss you a lol guys and you will always be in my heart I miss playing and hanging out with you guys and playing soccer all the best in the future yr7

  6. Thank you Ilham we will miss you to 😊😭

  7. Thank you Ilham we will miss all the year 5 students to 😊πŸ˜ͺ 😭

  8. Thanks Erin I will miss u and everyone

  9. ok no problem :))

  10. ok no problem and I will tell everyone else as well :))

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