Debating Recount: BSPS vs. CPS

Written by Zana (Class Banks)

On Thursday the fifth of May 2016, it was the first debate of the year. Belmore South public school was the affirmative team and Campsie public school was the negative team. The topic for debate was ‘competition is a bad thing’. The first speaker was Jacinda. The second speaker was Darrell. The third speaker was Najib. Our last speaker was Kenda. Rahel was the timer person. Ilham was the bell person and Aseel was the chair person… the winner was Campsie Public School. We would like to thank Campsie Public School for coming, and Mrs Kassem for setting it up and for bringing food for the morning tea.


2 thoughts on “Debating Recount: BSPS vs. CPS

  1. Fantastic work, debaters, and a great report from our new journalist, Zana!

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