‘Tableau’- Where Everybody Is Somebody

Stage 2 Tableau

‘Tableau’ is a drama strategy.

How do you do it? 

Students create a scene from a painting, a book, a movie, real life, ANYWHERE! They do this by choosing a scene, choosing a role and acting it out.

They freeze the action in the scene at a point in time- altogether.

They then explore, through questionning, the feelings, actions and thoughts of the character they are depicting. This helps students understand character traits, why characters behave the way the do and empathy. It helps develop vocabulary and narrative skills for Writing.

It’s just great fun too!

 Have a look at Stage 2 participating in ‘Tableau’ by clicking on the link at the top of the page.

Lights, Camera, Action!

After a long period of time story boarding and writing scripts film club have finally commenced production.  Last week the Short Cuts crew learnt how to use the video camera.  We discussed hand placement, framing shots, zooming in and out and recording.

We have already filmed wakakirri rehearsals, a science lesson with S1Baker and our opening scene.

The Short Cuts crew will be moving around the school filming all the wonderful educational experiences that take place here at B.S.P.S.  So remember, if you see the camera…act natural!

Stay tuned for our next update!

Students Start Thursday 28 April Teachers working hard on the 27th

All teachers returned to school today. They spent time in their classrooms preparing for the students return.

They worked with their Learning teams to plan the weeks ahead.

They also worked in groups reading and researching about different kinds of literacies that are needed by students to survive and thrive in the future world.