Fitness with S2 Chang.
The children enjoy daily physical activities. Our weekly program is as follows.
Endurance Run.
After a five minute warm up we jog twice around the perimeter of area 7. Mr Halliwell times us. Back in class we record our time on a time sheet and note any improvements that have been made.
Physical Education with Miss Dongas.
Lately we have been looking at fundamental movement skills. In this photograph we are seeing how far we can jump.
We enjoy games such as “Pass the Ball, Chaser and Quarry, Dodge Ball and Bullrush.
Individual skipping and group activities. How long can you skip without stopping?
Sport. (Round Robin)
We play Tee ball, Beat the Ball and Fortress.This session is skill based. We get to play other classes and get points for winning, for sportsmanship and for wearing our hats. Our points are displayed on the notice board. Best and fairest players are rewarded at assembly with a certificate. All members of the winning team receive a ribbon at the end of the term.